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NOTE: You probably want to use wezterm.gui.get_appearance() instead, as it is easier to use!

Since: Version 20210814-124438-54e29167

The functionality described in this section requires version 20210814-124438-54e29167 of wezterm, or a more recent version.

This method returns the appearance of the window environment. The appearance can be one of the following 4 values:

  • "Light" - the normal appearance, with dark text on a light background
  • "Dark" - "dark mode", with predominantly dark colors and probably a lighter, lower contrasting, text color on a dark background
  • "LightHighContrast" - light mode but with high contrast colors (not reported on all systems)
  • "DarkHighContrast" - dark mode but with high contrast colors (not reported on all systems)

wezterm is able to detect when the appearance has changed and will generate a window-config-reloaded event for each window.

This example configuration shows how you can have your color scheme automatically adjust to the current appearance:

local wezterm = require 'wezterm'

function scheme_for_appearance(appearance)
  if appearance:find 'Dark' then
    return 'Builtin Solarized Dark'
    return 'Builtin Solarized Light'

wezterm.on('window-config-reloaded', function(window, pane)
  local overrides = window:get_config_overrides() or {}
  local appearance = window:get_appearance()
  local scheme = scheme_for_appearance(appearance)
  if overrides.color_scheme ~= scheme then
    overrides.color_scheme = scheme

return {}

Wayland GNOME Appearance

Since: Version 20220807-113146-c2fee766

The functionality described in this section requires version 20220807-113146-c2fee766 of wezterm, or a more recent version.

wezterm uses XDG Desktop Portal to determine the appearance.

In earlier versions you may wish to use an alternative method to determine the appearance, as wezterm didn't know how to interrogate the appearance on Wayland systems, and would always report "Light".

The GNOME desktop environment provides the gsettings tool that can inform us of the selected appearance even in a Wayland session. We can substitute the call to window:get_appearance above with a call to the following function, which takes advantage of this:

function query_appearance_gnome()
  local success, stdout = wezterm.run_child_process {
  -- lowercase and remove whitespace
  stdout = stdout:lower():gsub('%s+', '')
  local mapping = {
    highcontrast = 'LightHighContrast',
    highcontrastinverse = 'DarkHighContrast',
    adwaita = 'Light',
    ['adwaita-dark'] = 'Dark',
  local appearance = mapping[stdout]
  if appearance then
    return appearance
  if stdout:find 'dark' then
    return 'Dark'
  return 'Light'

Since WezTerm will not fire a window-config-reloaded event on Wayland for older versions of wezterm, you will instead need to listen on the update-right-status event, which will essentially poll for the appearance periodically:

local wezterm = require 'wezterm'

function scheme_for_appearance(appearance)
  if appearance:find 'Dark' then
    return 'Builtin Solarized Dark'
    return 'Builtin Solarized Light'

wezterm.on('update-right-status', function(window, pane)
  local overrides = window:get_config_overrides() or {}
  local appearance = query_appearance_gnome()
  local scheme = scheme_for_appearance(appearance)
  if overrides.color_scheme ~= scheme then
    overrides.color_scheme = scheme

return {}