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Since: Version 20220319-142410-0fcdea07

The functionality described in this section requires version 20220319-142410-0fcdea07 of wezterm, or a more recent version.

ActivatePaneByIndex activates the pane with the specified index within the current tab. Invalid indices are ignored.

This example causes ALT-a, ALT-b, ALT-c to switch to the 0th, 1st and 2nd panes, respectively:

local wezterm = require 'wezterm'
local act = wezterm.action
local config = {}

config.keys = {
  { key = 'a', mods = 'ALT', action = act.ActivatePaneByIndex(0) },
  { key = 'b', mods = 'ALT', action = act.ActivatePaneByIndex(1) },
  { key = 'c', mods = 'ALT', action = act.ActivatePaneByIndex(2) },

return config