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Since: Nightly Builds Only

The functionality described in this section requires a nightly build of wezterm. You can obtain a nightly build by following the instructions from the Download section.

Setting this value will cause wezterm to replace the the value of the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment when it first starts up, and to use this value for the auth socket registered with the multiplexer server (visible via wezterm cli list-clients).

You won't normally need to set this, but if you are running with an alternative identity agent and want to replace the default on your system, this gives you that ability.

For example, @wez currently uses the 1Password SSH Auth Agent, but when running on Gnome the system default is Gnome's keyring agent.

While you can fix this up in your shell startup files, those are not involved when spawning the GUI directly from the desktop environment.

The following wezterm configuration snippet shows how to detect when gnome keyring is set and to selectively replace it with the 1Password agent:

local config = wezterm.config_builder()

-- Override gnome keyring with 1password's ssh agent
local SSH_AUTH_SOCK = os.getenv 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK'
  == string.format('%s/keyring/ssh', os.getenv 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR')
  local onep_auth =
    string.format('%s/.1password/agent.sock', wezterm.home_dir)
  -- Glob is being used here as an indirect way to check to see if
  -- the socket exists or not. If it didn't, the length of the result
  -- would be 0
  if #wezterm.glob(onep_auth) == 1 then
    config.default_ssh_auth_sock = onep_auth