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Since: Version 20220903-194523-3bb1ed61

The functionality described in this section requires version 20220903-194523-3bb1ed61 of wezterm, or a more recent version.

Returns metadata about a pane. The return value depends on the instance of the underlying pane. If the pane doesn't support this method, nil will be returned. Otherwise, the value is a lua table with the metadata contained in table fields.

To consume this value, it is recommend to use logic like this to obtain a table value even if the pane doesn't support this method:

local meta = pane:get_metadata() or {}

The following metadata keys may be present:


A boolean value that is populated only for local panes. It is set to true if it appears as though the local PTY is configured for password entry (local echo disabled, canonical input mode enabled).

This example demonstrates how to change the color scheme to exaggerate when a password is being input:

local wezterm = require 'wezterm'

wezterm.on('update-status', function(window, pane)
  local meta = pane:get_metadata() or {}
  local overrides = window:get_config_overrides() or {}
  if meta.password_input then
    overrides.color_scheme = 'Red Alert'
    overrides.color_scheme = nil

return {}


A boolean value that is populated only for multiplexer client panes. It is set to true if wezterm is waiting for a response from the multiplexer server.

This can be used in conjunction with since_last_response_ms below.


An integer value that is populated only for multiplexer client panes. It is set to the number of elapsed milliseconds since the most recent response from the multiplexer server.

This example shows how to put mux latency information into the status area:

local wezterm = require 'wezterm'

wezterm.on('update-status', function(window, pane)
  local meta = pane:get_metadata() or {}
  if meta.is_tardy then
    local secs = meta.since_last_response_ms / 1000.0
    window:set_right_status(string.format('tardy: %5.1fs⏳', secs))

return {}