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Defines rules to match text from the terminal output and generate clickable links.

The value is a list of rule entries. Each entry has the following fields:

  • regex - the regular expression to match (see supported Regex syntax)
  • format - Controls which parts of the regex match will be used to form the link. Must have a prefix: signaling the protocol type (e.g., https:/mailto:), which can either come from the regex match or needs to be explicitly added. The format string can use placeholders like $0, $1, $2 etc. that will be replaced with that numbered capture group. So, $0 will take the entire region of text matched by the whole regex, while $1 matches out the first capture group. In the example below, mailto:$0 is used to prefix a protocol to the text to make it into an URL.

Since: Version 20230320-124340-559cb7b0

The functionality described in this section requires version 20230320-124340-559cb7b0 of wezterm, or a more recent version.

  • highlight - specifies the range of the matched text that should be highlighted/underlined when the mouse hovers over the link. The value is a number that corresponds to a capture group in the regex. The default is 0, highlighting the entire region of text matched by the regex. 1 would be the first capture group, and so on.

Since: Version 20230408-112425-69ae8472

The functionality described in this section requires version 20230408-112425-69ae8472 of wezterm, or a more recent version.

The regex syntax now supports backreferences and look around assertions. See Fancy Regex Syntax for the extended syntax, which builds atop the underlying Regex syntax. In prior versions, only the base Regex syntax was supported.

Assigning hyperlink_rules overrides the built-in default rules.

The default value for hyperlink_rules can be retrieved using wezterm.default_hyperlink_rules(), and is shown below:

config.hyperlink_rules = {
  -- Matches: a URL in parens: (URL)
    regex = '\\((\\w+://\\S+)\\)',
    format = '$1',
    highlight = 1,
  -- Matches: a URL in brackets: [URL]
    regex = '\\[(\\w+://\\S+)\\]',
    format = '$1',
    highlight = 1,
  -- Matches: a URL in curly braces: {URL}
    regex = '\\{(\\w+://\\S+)\\}',
    format = '$1',
    highlight = 1,
  -- Matches: a URL in angle brackets: <URL>
    regex = '<(\\w+://\\S+)>',
    format = '$1',
    highlight = 1,
  -- Then handle URLs not wrapped in brackets
    regex = '\\b\\w+://\\S+[)/a-zA-Z0-9-]+',
    format = '$0',
  -- implicit mailto link
    regex = '\\b\\w+@[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)+\\b',
    format = 'mailto:$0',


In quoted Lua string literals the backslash character must be quoted even if the following character isn't meaningful to Lua when quoted by a backslash. That means that you'll always want to double it up as \\ when using it in a regex string.

Alternatively, you can use the alternative string literal syntax; the following two examples are equivalent:

regex = [[\b[tT](\d+)\b]]
regex = '\\b[tT](\\d+)\\b'

Some other examples include:

-- Use the defaults as a base
config.hyperlink_rules = wezterm.default_hyperlink_rules()

-- make task numbers clickable
-- the first matched regex group is captured in $1.
table.insert(config.hyperlink_rules, {
  regex = [[\b[tt](\d+)\b]],
  format = '$1',

-- make username/project paths clickable. this implies paths like the following are for github.
-- ( "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" | wbthomason/packer.nvim | wez/wezterm | "wez/wezterm.git" )
-- as long as a full url hyperlink regex exists above this it should not match a full url to
-- github or gitlab / bitbucket (i.e. is still a whole clickable url)
table.insert(config.hyperlink_rules, {
  regex = [[["]?([\w\d]{1}[-\w\d]+)(/){1}([-\w\d\.]+)["]?]],
  format = '$1/$3',