Node.js - First Impressions
I've spent some of my personal time over this past week looking into Node.js. I'll be up-front in stating that my efforts have not been particularly broad, but I have gone reasonably deep into the parts that I looked at.
I've been building evented systems for more than a decade, mostly in the "C" language, so Node is particularly interesting to me; it blends an evented I/O model with the Javascript language in such a way that it doesn't feel like a continual struggle.
To get a feel for Node, I decided to look at what it would take to get some kind of mtrack implementation running on Node; don't get too excited, I didn't finish anything worthy of public scrutiny.
For the purposes of the experiment I selected Riak for the data storage solution; it has a compelling mixture of document storage, full-text searching, secondary indices and map-reduce facilities.
Serving web pages
There's a nice hello-world example on the Node homepage. I wanted to find and use something that would give me some flexibility and structure in setting up the various "pages" in my project.
Google and NPM led me to Express, a web development package built on top of a middleware package called Connect. Connect focuses on allowing the application developer to plug, stack and otherwise compose processing modules (such as form parsing, authentication, sessions and so forth) together. Express extends this with some additional conveniences that allow for terse but expressive configuration of how the application should behave.
It's a little weird, coming from a PHP web dev background, to have to explicitly enable things like session, form and cookie parsing but at the same time it makes a lot of sense. If you're not using those, you simply leave them out. If you need to change the default behavior, you simply load an alternative implementation, or even build it yourself.
mtrack relies on knowing who is accessing the system; there's very little functionality that makes sense for anonymous users in its primary deployment audience; professional developers.
Aside from Basic HTTP authentication, most web authentication systems require some kind of session storage to record who they're talking to, so the first step is to enable session storage.
As I mentioned above, I wanted to use Riak as my data store; it has integrated replication that would allow the web service to be load balanced across any nodes in one's cloud deployment and still see the same session information.
A quick npm search
revealed that someone had already produced
, a session storage component for the framework that I'd
selected. This was very easy to configure and enable and it wasn't long
before I had a very simple web page that incremented a counter on each
visit and showed you the new value.
This is the point where I started to home in on one of the rough edges
of Node and its community. connect-riak
has an optional feature to
reap stale session data from your riak store. I had turned this on and
noticed some errors showing up on the console when it was invoked.
This feature was using a list-keys operation which is a no-no for a product Riak deployment; it can take a long time to return results if you have a lot of keys in your Riak instance. This is not something you'll see unless you really try to stress test it, so I can forgive the author for using it (we made the same mistake on a project at work, but caught it in QA!).
(In the spirit of not blogging bugs, I submitted a pull request to implement this feature on top of the secondary indices feature that is present since Riak 1.0)
The rough edge that I mentioned is that there doesn't appear to be much
of a gate for someone to create a package and push it to the NPM package
server. If you list the available packages, you'll see a fair number of
duplicates where someone has obviously typo'd something in their
file and not known that they should do something to pull
the broken version. Since anyone can publish packages, the quality of
those packages is something of a mixed bag.
This isn't a tremendous downside; there's something nice about the community being proactive about building things and sharing them, and having a governing body for the npm packages would certainly slow things down. It's just something to be aware of; you'll need to do your homework before banking on any of the modules you find there.
Back to authentication then; I discovered a package called everyauth
that touts an impressive array of authentication options. Everything
from local passwords in your data-store of choice through OpenID and
Pretty much everything is configured declaratively or via callbacks. Callbacks are pervasive in Node because they play a key role in handling completion of asynchronous events. One does not simply query the database and wait for the result; instead, the query is submitted to the database and we carry on with other things until we got notified that the query completed.
Now, I could have torn through this exercise and tried to rapidly throw an app together but I wanted to be a bit more deliberate. I've recently been converting mtrack to use Backbone to produce some nice UI elements. Backbone is a fairly lightweight framework (in terms of imposition on your code) that has just enough structure to keep you on the right path, but not so much that you have to join a cult to finish an application.
Since Express has some nice parameter validation facilities and Everyauth wants to access your user information, I definitely needed a model for the user object, and since Backbone is implemented in javascript, I looked at re-using the same model code on the server and client side.
Backbone allows Backbone.sync to be replaced for a given application, which makes it pretty simple to globally replace the the routines that handle the loading and storing of information to the backend. We ship the models to the client side and the defaults are set up such that the client can use an Ajax implementation to talk to the server side. The server side loads the same model code but overrides the sync layer to target the Riak data store.
Models on Server and Client
I mentioned that I'd gone fairly deep into the pieces I'd worked with; to a certain extent it feels like I've been boiling the ocean. I wanted to use exactly the same code on the client and the server for the models for various efficiencies (for example, validating model attributes) and reduced maintenance overheads.
The model sources look a bit like this:
is a node function that imports a module; it is not present on
the client side, so we'd either need to write conditional code to handle
the differences or do something to handle those differences in some
other way.
I opted for the latter, because conditional code is visually noisy and I
dislike copy-n-paste boilerplate. I looked around; there are a number
of possibly solutions for managing this sort of thing, each with their
own pros and cons. The most promising was
Stitch, which would read my
directory structure and send down whole NPM packages from the server
side and assemble them, complete with a browser-side require
that would work on the client side.
One of the drawbacks to this particular module was that it would send everything that looked like a module in the package directory, which meant that it sent down all the Backbone examples and not just the bare minimum bits needed for my app.
In the end, I worked up my own asset solution instead; I give it a list of javascript files and it will decorate them so that my minimal require function (shown below) will function:
var require;
(function () {
var modules = {};
function do_require(name) {
return modules[name];
require = do_require;
require.define = function(name, inst) {
modules[name] = inst;
The asset compiler stitches the modules together like this:
(function() {
var exports = {};
/* --- these are the contents of my model file */
var Backbone = require("backbone");
exports = Backbone.model.extend({ ... });
/* --- end of model file */
require.define("modelname", exports);
This is a very simple composition; it ignores any kind of dependency analysis and relies on you to specify things in the correct order. You use it with Express like this:
app.get("/j/app.js", asset.createServer([
__dirname + "/../node_modules/underscore/underscore.js",
__dirname + "/../node_modules/backbone/backbone.js",
__dirname + "/models/user.js"
], {
compiler: "require" // use the require.define wrapper
Asset Compilation
Libraries such as jQuery, underscore and Backbone weigh in at a relatively large code size. It is desirable, especially on cellular network links, to reduce the size of these assets by compiling them down.
You may be familar with the Google and Yahoo compiler and compressor utilities. There's a native javascript equivalent known as UglifyJS. It's a pretty logical step to fold uglify into the asset compilation process, and that's what I did.
The asset compiler does not simply read the files and stick them together on each request; instead, it maintains a cached copy of the assembled version and intelligently examines the filesystem to see if it needs to recompile the result.
Filesystem operations are blocking operations, which means that your Node performance will go through the floor if you're not using them in an asynchronous fashion. The Node filesystem API makes this very easy to do; you provide a callback and Node will call it when the results come back from the filesystem.
The asset compiler is made somewhat more convoluted than the equivalent sequential code would appear in the more commonly used languages and runtimes, but if I'm honest with myself, it isn't that much worse than some caching code I've written and used in PHP anyway (it's all to do with the edge cases).
Adding Uglify to this process is quite simple; once we have all the data, we pass it to the compilation routine and it returns us the result.
Unfortunately we hit another snag here; since Uglify is all native javascript, its processing is all synchronous. If you have a big chunk of javascript to compile, it can take a couple of seconds.
function uglify_code(data)
var ug = require("uglify-js");
var jsp = ug.parser;
var pro = ug.uglify;
var ast = jsp.parse(data);
ast = pro.ast_mangle(ast);
/* This next line is the expensive part; it can take a couple of
* seconds to process jquery */
ast = pro.ast_squeeze(ast);
return pro.gen_code(ast);
What this means is that we block our Node process for those two seconds; it can't process any other requests in that time, which sucks, but is mitigated by the usage pattern in this case: we only need to compile it once per run, so one of the very first few requests will trigger this hit and then the rest will serve up the results from memory and incur very little overhead.
It would be nice if we could run the uglify bits on a different thread so that we don't have this hit...
Cluster and Workers
Node doesn't have threads and is unlikely to get them any time soon as most javascript runtimes (V8 included) are explicitly built without any kind of threading support. Adding thread support to a language runtime like this is no small undertaking; it needs to be carried out extremely carefully to avoid introducing serious performance penalties, and this in turn results in rather complicated implementations.
Instead of threads, Node let's you work very easily with processes. It
also has a cluster
facility that allows you to start up a number of
processes and have them all service the same listening socket. To use
the cluster facilities, you write some code like this:
if (cluster.isMaster) {
var cpus = os.cpus().length;
for (var i = 0; i < cpus; i++) {
cluster.on("death", function (worker) {
console.log("worker " + + " died, respawning");
} else {
app.listen(1337); // listens on
The listen() call does some magic under the covers; it communicates with the master node process over a pipe and asks it to set up the listening socket. If it hasn't already set on up, it starts listening and then uses a low level OS function to send the underlying socket to the child process. Multiple child processes can make the same request of the master process; they each get their own copy of the file descriptor. The OS will wake up which ever one is best prepared to service a given client connection at the time that it comes in.
Using the cluster facility in this way allows your node deployment to process multiple blocking requests concurrently, and can help to mitigate the blocking impact of something like the uglify use case above, but it doesn't completely eliminate the bottleneck.
Say we have 8 CPU cores and thus 8 Node processes, and we've just restarted our node instance. We have 10 clients ready to make requests of the server and all but 1 of them are requesting our uglified javascript resource. The 1 that isn't is making a request to some other resource served out of memory. If the odd one out is slightly later than the other clients, he's still blocked while the 8 node processes are busy compiling the javascript.
As mentioned above, this is mitigated by our particular use-case, but there may be other cases where we have blocking behavior that we can't avoid. It would be nice to have a way to provision our workers so that we can better control the proportion of blocking work.
One possible approach for this is to use the cluster facility to spawn off listeners that consume work from a Unix domain socket and use that to build a dedicated worker pool that is independent from the HTTP listeners.
It might look something like this:
if (cluster.isMaster) {
var cpus = os.cpus().length;
var worker;
/* start up the HTTP servers */
process.env.HTTP_WORKER = "1";
for (var i = 0; i < cpus; i++) {
worker = cluster.fork();
worker.isHTTP = true;
delete process.env.HTTP_WORKER;
process.env.CPU_WORKER = "1";
/* start up the workers */
for (var i = 0; i < cpus; i++) {
cluster.on("death", function (worker) {
console.log("worker " + + " died, respawning");
if (worker.isHTTP) {
process.env.HTTP_WORKER = "1";
delete process.env.CPU_WORKER;
} else {
process.env.CPU_WORKER = "1";
delete process.env.HTTP_WORKER;
var newguy = cluster.fork();
if (worker.isHTTP) {
newguy.isHTTP = true;
} else if (process.env.HTTP_WORKER) {
app.listen(1337); // listens on
} else if (process.env.CPU_WORKER) {
/* code omitted because I haven't written it */
var srv = net.createServer(...);
What the above illustrates is that we can create a set of processes dedicated to the HTTP listeners and another set that listen on a unix domain socket. The latter set won't do anything until something connects and gives it some work. The idea is that you would encapsulate the blocking work in a wrapper that connects to the unix socket and serializes the parameters across the socket. One of the available workers would receive this payload and run the blocking function, then send the result back. Since the socket IO can be handled asynchronously, the client side of this can run asynchronously and continue to serve other requests.
While this is really just moving the blocking problem to another process, it does so in a controlled fashion; we allowed for a limited number of processes to become blocked by this work. While they are blocked, the HTTP listeners can continue serving non-blocking requests.
Forms, Templates, Validation, Bootstrap
I spent a good bit of time thinking about the client side stuff, which isn't really Node specific, but was different from the usual PHP way. I'm not going to go into too much detail on that here, but will give some highlights.
- I opted to use Twitter Bootstrap to avoid spending time thinking about styling in this experiment, which worked, but backfired slightly because I ended up folding the Less CSS Compiler into my asset compiler step.
- Everyauth wants a user registration form. I spent some time looking at HTML 5 form validation but eventually settled on using the jQuery tools validator library for consistency and ease of integrating with the Twitter Bootstrap styling for form errors. (See my other post on this)
- Express really wants you to use a templating layer for expanding views, and everyauth uses those views too, so I had to learn how to use the Jade templating library. This can be used on the client side too, which is in alignment with the idea that I can use the same code on the server and client sides.
Summing up
Node is still rather young and this has resulted in something of a primeval soup of packages and utilities. Some are better than others. It's interesting to see the collision of front-end and traditional backend systems code that results in the Node environment, and this is partially responsible for the mixed bag of node packages that are out there.
It's entirely possible that I've missed huge swaths of Node best practices and such, but I don't mind: I've enjoyed poking around the Node stack at the various different levels.
I don't see us using Node at Message Systems any time soon, at least, not in the products that we ship; while it has similar facilities to those in our code technology platform, it has a way to go to catch up.
That doesn't mean that Node is not useful in other applications. I'm going to continue looking into Node; there's a module that can implement SSH service in the node process and this would work well with the mtrack repo hosting facility. I think it would be really quite cool to deploy mtrack as a self contained node service.