Test-driving Google calendar

Well, I guess I feel similarly to JWZ when it comes to calendar software. Yesterday I downloaded the Lightning 0.1 extension for Thunderbird. It's a partial improvement over running Sunbird; it's handy to be able to view the calendar right there in thunderbird, but it clearly needs a lot more polish before it can be really used.

I was all set to switch over to Lightning from Thunderbird, but then I read JWZ's entry that mentioned Google Calendar at the bottom, and it looks good.

The major points that appeal to me:

  • SMS notifications prior to events. You don't have to be at your desk to get the reminder, or even to have your computer turned on.
  • It's online, accessible from anywhere that's connected to the 'net
  • Public events can be published as RSS and iCal (find mine in the geeky sidebar to the right)
  • The whole thing (including private events) can also be published as RSS and iCal
  • You can import existing calendar data from iCal and CSV files
  • UI is nice

So, I think I'll be using google calendar to manage my calendar. I still need to be able to see the private OmniTI calendars, so I'm still using Thunderbird/Lightning to do that.