Partnership with
This little gem was posted to the PHP security@ alias, which is intended to provide a means for confidential disclosure of critical security problems in PHP to us, the PHP developers.
To: Subject: Partnership with
I visited your web site and I like it very much.
I would like to have a link posted from your site to one of my projects,an insurance web site.
I'm interested in buying advertising space on the index page of your web site,in the form of a simple text link, with a short description.
The link would lead to one of my projects, an insurance site.
I'm interested in a long term advertising relationship.
I'm looking forward to your response detailing the monthly cost of a text link.
Best regards,
[Name removed]
Now, I find this pretty funny - who in their right mind would want to advertise insurance alongside the PHP bugs? :-) [Unless they are selling PHP Bug Insurance].
Furthermore, if I was looking for advertising space, I'd hope that the advertising agency had enough brains to actually find the correctcontact address to arrange the deal...