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Since: Version 20230326-111934-3666303c

The functionality described in this section requires version 20230326-111934-3666303c of wezterm, or a more recent version.

The new-tab-button-click event is emitted when the user clicks on the "new tab" button in the tab bar. This is the + button that is drawn to the right of the last tab.

The first event parameter is a window object that represents the gui window.

The second event parameter is a pane object that represents the active pane in the window.

The third event parameter is an indication of which mouse button was clicked. The following values are possible:

  • "Left" - the left mouse button
  • "Right" - the right mouse button
  • "Middle" - the middle mouse button

The last event parameter is a KeyAssignment which encodes the default, built-in action that wezterm will take. It may be nil in the case where wezterm would not take any action.

You may take any action you wish in this event handler.

If you return false then you will prevent wezterm from carrying out its default action.

Otherwise, wezterm will proceed to perform that action once your event handler returns.

This following two examples are equivalent in functionality:

  function(window, pane, button, default_action)
    -- just log the default action and allow wezterm to perform it
    wezterm.log_info('new-tab', window, pane, button, default_action)
  function(window, pane, button, default_action)
    wezterm.log_info('new-tab', window, pane, button, default_action)
    -- We're explicitly going to perform the default action
    if default_action then
      window:perform_action(default_action, pane)
    -- and tell wezterm that we handled the event so that it doesn't
    -- perform it a second time.
    return false

See also window:perform_action().