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Since: Version 20211204-082213-a66c61ee9

The functionality described in this section requires version 20211204-082213-a66c61ee9 of wezterm, or a more recent version.

Controls whether pasted text will have newlines normalized.

If bracketed paste mode is enabled by the application, the effective value of this configuration option is "None".

The following values are accepted:

value meaning version
true same as "CarriageReturnAndLineFeed" (Since: Version 20211204-082213-a66c61ee9)
false same as "None" (Since: Version 20211204-082213-a66c61ee9)
"None" The text is passed through unchanged (Since: Version 20220319-142410-0fcdea07)
"LineFeed" Newlines of any style are rewritten as LF (Since: Version 20220319-142410-0fcdea07)
"CarriageReturn" Newlines of any style are rewritten as CR (Since: Version 20220319-142410-0fcdea07)
"CarriageReturnAndLineFeed" Newlines of any style are rewritten as CRLF (Since: Version 20220319-142410-0fcdea07)

Note that the string forms of these values are accepted in 20220319-142410-0fcdea07, however, true in all prior versions behaves the same way as "CarriageReturnAndLineFeed" behaves in the nightly build.

The default value has changed in different versions of wezterm:

version platform default
20211204-082213-a66c61ee9 Windows "CarriageReturnAndLineFeed"
20211204-082213-a66c61ee9 NOT Windows "None"
20220319-142410-0fcdea07 NOT Windows "CarriageReturn"

On Windows we're in a bit of a frustrating situation: pasting into Windows console programs requires CRLF otherwise there is no newline at all, but when in WSL, pasting with CRLF gives excess blank lines.

In practice, the default setting means that unix shells and vim will get the unix newlines in their pastes (which is the UX most users will want) and cmd.exe will get CRLF.